Sunday, November 6, 2011

Too much of Masterchef!!!!

Watching too much of Masterchef on my stay at home for more than 15 days makes me crave for those deliciously delicious looking dishes... hope they taste gorgeous too as the judges say !! I know it would be wrong to say without tasting such food but till now I believed that Indian cuisine is the best in the whole universe but looking at the Masterchef dishes... I think I have to change my mind. But to have such dishes I need to be there, those big 5 star restaurants, hotels where such Master Chefs show their skills with various food items. God knows how much money I need to spend for that!!! Not to mention have to earn it too. .. :(. Thanks to the tastiest food available on earth (for me) at home :), and at Dhabas when I am away from home, will not end up crying any sooner or start saving for the love of masterchef dishes ;). Was thinking just now, how cool is the world of my doggies Charger n Charlie, they don’t have any cravings for good food; they just eat anything n everything, that to bilkul free free free!!! Just a few hrs ago I fed them uncooked leftover Cauliflowers that we generally don’t include for cooking; n they were ready to do anything for that!!! N that was the whole idea ;). Let’s get back to Masterchef for now :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ghane..r!!! Is it?? really !! what is that?????

Today I saw a completely different kind of bird that cannot be seen at least in MP. It was something like ones that I have seen on Discovery or National Geographic channel filmed on some African forests. I should consider myself lucky!!! I was simply spending some time with my Bullmastiff after getting up in the morning (not early morning :p), and I heard this peculiar voice of the bird sitting on a Tendu tree at my house. For those who don't know what Tendu is... it’s the most spread tree in Forests of MP and Chattisgarh and its leaves are used to prepare Bidi. So I saw this bird and my mouth dropped as I haven't seen such kind of bird in my life before. So I got my cell phone out... I did not have a camera with me and so decided to capture the bird on my mobile camera... but wasn't so clear so I took the video and then I saw a group of similar birds... on different trees near my home. Tourists come from far of places just to see such kind of birds (and Tigers of course) to my neighbouring national park, Bandhavgarh National Park, just 30 kms from Umaria. No wonder I got to see such a huge bird although I couldn't manage to get its right name. As termed locally, it is called "Ghaner". I came home on the occasion of Diwali not really though... as Umaria isn't my home but currently it is, since my father is posted here... a very peaceful and small place except for a temple close to my house, the loud bhajan, kirtan and temple bells distracts me from the voice of mother nature. It feels so great when you listen to such sounds of birds, squirrels, monkeys at times... especially when you are living in metros for quite some time.